5 Signs It May Be Time for Palliative Care Services for you or a loved one

 Many people think of hospice care as a service for the terminally ill. While it is true that many who use hospice services are at the end of their life, many others choose to use Palliative Care Services Melbourne when they're still relatively healthy but have an illness that requires ongoing treatment or regular hospitalizations. If you or your loved one has been recently diagnosed with a serious illness and are considering palliative care services, here's what you need to know:

Declining ability to complete activities of daily living 

If you or your loved one is having difficulty with activities of daily living, it may be time to consider Palliative Care Services Melbourne. Activities of daily living include bathing, dressing, eating and toileting. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • You have difficulty performing these tasks on your own or they take longer than they used to
  • You need assistance with these tasks because of pain or fatigue
  • You have a family member or friend who helps with these activities

The symptoms of your disease are ongoing

  • Pain and fatigue are the most common symptoms of advanced illness. They can be hard to manage, especially when they're severe.
  • Constipation, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite may also occur as your body struggles to digest food that you no longer have an appetite for.
  • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea) is another sign of advanced illness; this may be caused by fluid buildup in your lungs or by the weakening of muscles involved in breathing as a result of disease progression.

Multiple hospitalizations

A person in the later stages of a serious illness may be hospitalized multiple times. Hospitalization can be stressful for both the patient and family members, who often find it difficult to leave their loved one at home while they're away at work or school. Each hospitalization increases the risk of complications that are difficult to treat, and lead to poor outcomes.

If you or your loved one has been hospitalized multiple times during this period of decline, talk with your doctor about palliative care services that could help improve quality of life by reducing stress related to frequent hospitalizations.

Unexplained weight loss 

Weight loss is a common symptom of many diseases, including cancer and heart failure. If you or your loved one have lost 10 pounds or more in the past 6 months without trying to lose weight and it's not due to dieting or exercising more, this could be an indication that palliative care services are needed.

Weight loss can also be caused by depression and anxiety--two conditions that are often associated with terminal illness. So, while weight loss may occur even when there's no underlying medical condition present, it should still prompt you to seek out information about your options for palliative care services now rather than later.

More frequent falls

Many elderly people fall, and for those who do, the risk of serious injury or death is high. Falls can lead to broken bones and head trauma; they can also cause a person to become immobile for extended periods of time. If you or someone you know has fallen more than once in the past year, it may be time for palliative care services.


If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the signs listed above, it could be time to consider Palliative Care Services Melbourne. Palliative care provides comfort and support for people with serious illnesses as well as their family members. These services can help patients live longer and better lives by addressing their physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs throughout treatment


Source By : 5 Signs It May Be Time for Palliative Care Services for you or a loved one


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