How Palliative Care Helps With Fertility And Reproductive Concerns?

We all want to be able to have children. Yet the reality is that for many, this desire becomes a struggle. For those who are suffering from a terminal illness, their reproductive health concerns may be even more challenging to navigate. In fact, Palliative Care Melbourne can help address many of these concerns and make it easier for patients and their families to consider fertility treatment options. Fertility counseling provides inadequate support Fertility counselling is often seen as the solution to reproductive concerns, but it's not. Fertility counseling focuses on getting pregnant, not on improving quality of life. Fertility counselors are trained in biology and science, not palliative care. At best, they are able to provide you with information about how your body works during pregnancy; at worst, they may try to convince you that there's no reason why you can't get pregnant even though your health is declining. Palliative Care Melbourne providers understand t...